Can I Get Alimony While Still Married?
As defined under the PA Divorce Code, alimony is support paid from one former spouse to another after entry of a divorce decree. Therefore, alimony is technically not available while individuals are still married. While separated, but not yet divorced,...[Continue reading]
What is the Difference Between Fault and No-Fault Divorce?
As the names implies, no-fault divorce is the process of legally ending a marriage with no regard for anything either spouse has done during the marriage. The legal basis for a no-fault divorce is “irretrievable breakdown” of the marriage, which...[Continue reading]
How are Assets Divided During Divorce?
When you decide to get a divorce, one of the first things you need to do after selecting a knowledgeable attorney to assist you is to determine what items of value need to be distributed between yourself and your spouse....[Continue reading]
Keeping Your Children’s Best Interests in Mind During Divorce
Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally charged process for everyone involved, especially when children are part of the equation. While it's natural for parents to experience a range of emotions during this difficult time, it is important to prioritize...[Continue reading]
Will collaborative divorce fail if parties are not honest?
The simple answer to this question is “Probably.” In a collaborative divorce, the parties and their attorneys commit to full disclosure of information that is relevant to the parties in their decision-making. The issues up for discussion may include divorce...[Continue reading]
You Cannot Disinherit Your Spouse in PA – Unless They Consent
The idea of our freedom to dispose of our estates as we wish is right up there with baseball and apple pie as an American ideal. With a few limited exceptions, you can leave your assets to anybody you choose...[Continue reading]
Keeping the Children’s Best Interests First
Divorce is not easy on any of the parties involved. But it can be especially hard on children who are part of the equation. Some people stay married because they are concerned about the potential impact of a divorce on...[Continue reading]
Mediation vs. Collaborative Law
What is the difference between mediation and collaborative law? The best place to start would be to simply define both terms generically. Mediation is commonly defined as “an intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it.” Collaboration is “the...[Continue reading]
Filing Taxes During Divorce Proceedings
It is the beginning of a new year and before you know it, your income taxes will be due. I do not offer tax advice when approached with tax questions, except to say, “You should discuss that with your tax...[Continue reading]
Divorce & Extended family or friends
So, you have decided to divorce your spouse. Does this mean you have to divorce your in-laws, your mutual friends and people that you have known together as well? As with the majority of things in the legal realm, the...[Continue reading]