Divorce Coaches

Divorce coaches can make a huge difference in the divorce process. The divorce coach acts as a neutral professional helping to foster healthy, productive communication between the divorcing spouses. Divorce coaches are psychologists, therapists, social workers and other individuals with...[Continue reading]

Financial Cost of Divorce

Who decides how much a divorce costs? In large part, you and your spouse make that decision. Your actions, attitudes and approaches to the divorce process can have a significant effect on the financial cost. And the personal cost, but...[Continue reading]

Valuing Assets

If you’re experiencing a divorce or administering an estate, you will probably need to value assets. In answer to a question I’ve heard many times, there is no one “right” way to value assets. There are many different methods and...[Continue reading]

Still Parents After Divorce

The title of this blog post says it all. If you are divorcing or ending any other relationship in which children are involved, you and your spouse or significant other will be tied together for the rest of your lives...[Continue reading]

My Neighbor’s Divorce

Most of us have heard about or personally witnessed other people (neighbors, family members, friends etc.) going through the divorce process. Whether those observations or reports were positive, negative or somewhere in between, each person’s situation is unique. There are...[Continue reading]

What if Court is the Only Option?

I like to help my family law clients make their own decisions privately and respectfully, while avoiding the court system. That’s not always possible. Sometimes one or both parties are determined to have their day in court or they try...[Continue reading]

Divorce and Homemakers

You’ve taken care of the house, your spouse, the kids, the pets and pretty much everything else involving your family’s home life. You’ve supported your spouse in his or her career decisions, relying on the partnership you’ve built so that...[Continue reading]