Holidays and Child Custody
Making arrangements for your children during the holidays can be difficult and can sometimes give rise to conflict. Ideally, we want to spend as much time as possible with our children during the holidays. When parents are separated or divorced,...[Continue reading]
Act Promptly in Custody Matters
In the case of A.L.B. v. M.D.L., the Pennsylvania Superior Court recently determined that the Berks County Court of Common Pleas did not make a mistake by denying the father’s request to reschedule a custody hearing. This case provides a...[Continue reading]
1. Where is each spouse in the divorce decision-making process? Frequently one spouse is more convinced than the other that divorce is the best option. The biggest thing to keep in mind is just because you think the marriage is...[Continue reading]
Pros and Cons of the Domestic Relations Office
Some people go through the domestic relations office to establish child support, spousal support or alimony pendente lite orders. Some people make those arrangements without involving the domestic relations office. There are pros and cons to involving or not involving...[Continue reading]
What to Expect at a Domestic Relations Conference
A domestic relations conference is an uncomfortable experience, but it can help to have an idea what to expect. You, your spouse (for simplicity, I’m going to use “spouse” throughout this blog post even though you and the other party...[Continue reading]
What to Expect at a Custody Conciliation Conference
The purpose of a custody conciliation conference is, if possible, to reach an agreement regarding custody without going to a hearing before a judge. If you don’t reach an overall agreement, it may still be possible to narrow down the...[Continue reading]
Challenges to Divorce Agreements
Can you challenge the validity and enforceability of a Marital Settlement Agreement? If so, on what basis and with what probable result? A Marital Settlement Agreement is the legally binding contract between you and your spouse that contains all of...[Continue reading]
Why I Limit My Practice Areas
I cannot be all things to all people and will not try to do so. The practice of law is a huge field and it takes years of practice, after finishing law school, to be competent in a single area...[Continue reading]
How the Domestic Relations Office Works
Each county’s domestic relations office establishes support orders, keeps track of payments and amounts due and handles enforcement of support orders, in conjunction with the county court system. You initiate a support action by filing a complaint with the domestic...[Continue reading]
Co-Parenting 101 – A Helpful Book
I recently read Co-Parenting 101: Helping Your Kids Thrive in Two Households after Divorce, written by Deesha Philyaw and Michael D. Thomas. I wish I had read it earlier, but better late than never. I will recommend that all of...[Continue reading]