I’ve provided a list of resources you may find useful. I recommend that everyone planning to use the collaborative law process read The Collaborative Way to Divorce by Stuart Webb and Ron Ousky for a realistic and personal explanation of how and why the collaborative approach works.

Abney, Sherrie R., Avoiding Litigation: A Guide to Civil Collaborative Law, Trafford Publishing (2006)
Ahrons, Constance, The Good Divorce, Harper Paperbacks (1998)
Ahrons, Constance, We’re Still Family: What Grown Children Have to Say About Their Parents’ Divorce, Harper Paperbacks
Brumley, Janet P., Divorce Without Disaster, PSG Books (2004)
Cameron, Nancy, Collaborative Practice: Deepening the Dialogue, The CLE Society of British Columbia (2004)
Cochran, Cate, Reconcilable Differences: Marriages End, Families Don’t, Second Story Press
Cook, Nancy Douglas, Maggie in the Middle, Scholastic (1976)
Eddy, William, High Conflict People in Legal Disputes, Janis Publications (2006)
Ellison, Sharon Strand, Taking the War Out of Our Words: The Art of Powerful Non-Defensive Communication, Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, Inc. (2002)
Fisher, Roger; Ury, William; Patton, Bruce, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, Penguin (1991)
Friedman, Gary, J.D., A Guide to Divorce Mediation, Workman Publishing (1993)
Gutterman, Sheila, Collaborative Law: A New Model for Dispute Resolution, Bradford Publishing (2004)
Mnookin, Robert, Beyond Winning, Harvard University Press (2000)
Ousky, Ron and Webb, Stuart, The Collaborative Way to Divorce: The Revolutionary Method that Results in Less Stress, Lower Costs, and Happier Kids–Without Going to Court, Hudson Street Press (2006)
Shields, Richard; Ryan, Judith; and Smith, Victoria, Collaborative Family Law: Another Way to Resolve Family Disputes, Thomson Carswell (2003)
Stone, Douglas; Patton, Bruce; Heen, Sheila (Harvard Negotiation Project), Difficult Conversations, How to Discuss What Matters Most, Viking Press (1999)
Stoner Katherine, Divorce Without Court: A Guide to Mediation and Collaborative Divorce, Nolo Press (2006)
Tannen, Deborah, The Argument Culture: Moving from Debate to Dialogue, Ballantine (1999)
Tannen, Deborah, You Don’t Understand, Harper Paperbacks (2001)
Tesler, Pauline and Thompson, Peggy, Collaborative Divorce: The Revolutionary New Way to Restructure Your Family, Resolve Legal Issues, and Move on With Your Life, Regan Books/Harper Collins (2006)
Ury, William L., Jeanne M., and Golberg, Stephen B., Getting Disputes Resolved, Designing Systems to Cut the Costs of Conflict, Program on Negotiation (1993)
Ury, William L., Getting Past No, Negotiating in Difficult Situations, Bantam (1993)
- Adams County Government,
- American Bar Association,
- Association for Conflict Resolution,
- Collaborative Divorce Newsblog,
- Collaborative Professionals of Central Pennsylvania,
- Cumberland County Government,
- Dauphin County Government,
- International Academy of Collaborative Professionals,
- Lancaster County Government,
- New Cumberland Old Towne Association,
- Our Family Wizard Website,
- Pennsylvania Child Support Program,
- Pennsylvania Council of Mediators,
- Perry County Government,
- The Smart Divorce,
- Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania,
- York County Government,